
All Jewellery designs were created by me ©T j Turner Jewellery Creations. You may use them non commercially only. Do not pass them around to other blogs or groups. If your friends like them then please send them a link to my blog.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mobile Phone Dangle

* Collection of 4mm crystal beads in any colour you like (I used 2 different pinks) x 27
* Mobile phone strap x 1
* 60mm headpins x 3
* Round nose pliers
* Flat nose pliers
* Wire cutters
* 8mm jump rings x1

1. Put your beads onto the headpin in any order that you want (I used 2 different pinks - pale pink and hot pink).

2. Use your round nose pliers to make a loop in the end of your headpin. Cut off the extra wire that does not form part of the loop, using your wire cutters.

3. Attach the jump ring to your mobile phone strap and then attach each of the headpins by sliding the loop onto the jump ring. When finish close the jump ring.

Jingle Bells Earrings

* Six small multi colour jingle bells
* Two shepherds hook earrings (gold or silver)
* Four 10mm open jump rings in either gold or silver
* Two 8mm open jump rings in either gold or silver
* Needle nose pliers

1. Place all 3 jingle bells onto a 10mm jump ring and close the ring with the needle nose pliers.

2. Attach a 10mm jump ring to the shepherds hook earring and close the ring shut.

3. Attach the two 10mm jump rings to the 8mm jump ring and lose the last ring with the pliers.

4. Repeat these steps for your second earring.

Earrings 001

I made these earrings for the very first time. I did them in two lots of different colours. I decided to make my own jewellery for something to do other than my greeting cards as I am trying to be more creative in 2009.

I made them using jingle bells in assortment of colours.